Hi, I’m Andre.

One of my goals for this website is integration. There’s not a professional and personal side of me. There’s just me, Andre Van Eymeren. A 50-year-old community development worker and educator, who by some luck and hard work has achieved a PhD in urban studies. I’ve also had the privilege of speaking at countless gatherings and trainings around the world and writing on faith, urbanisation and community development. I believe some of these writings have even been read by others.

Click to see my academic CV

I’ve just discovered that I’m neurodivergent, having a form of OCD and potentially ADHD (not confirmed). I believe my mind and body are wearing the cost of 25+ years of youth and community work that has left me exhausted and with religious trauma, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and a myriad of other ‘aging’ issues.

I’ve been married to Amy for almost 30 years. We have an adult person, Josh, who is an amazing artist and generally all-round good person. Yes, I am biased, but others have said this of them as well. Amy is amazing and resilient and caring and kind and I’m very lucky that they are my life partner.

I am a person with an evolving spiritual journey that has been my north star. For most of my journey, I would have considered myself a Christian activist. Studying to be a pastor, changing track to youth and community work, being part of an all-consuming Christian not-for-profit, starting my own all-consuming not-profit… and then the slow process of relaxing, learning to take a step back, starting 2 more organisations, one of which I still lead, writing a master’s thesis and a PhD and becoming somewhat of a contemplative. Old habits die hard and at times I still think I’m trying to change the world, but in actual fact, I just want to offer what I’ve learnt and maybe it will be of benefit to someone. I’m slowly learning to hold lightly what I have. I’m learning to ‘be’ and to be more present, noticing the extraordinary in the ordinary.

A Flourishing World

I’ve had the privilege of sitting with communities in Australia, the UK, Kenya, Cameroon, Zambia, Philippines, Thailand, and Pakistan amongst other places, asking them, what does a flourishing community look like? I’ve studied the ancient Hebrew concept of Shalom, the positive psychology term, flourishing, sustainability, urbanism, community development, and complex adaptive systems. I’ve sat with people who have been hurt and traumatised by the welfare and aid and development systems, whether they have been administered by the state, NGO or faith groups. The systems designed to help that have caused harm by excluding the strengths and contributions of those who were meant to benefit. I’ve become exhausted by my own efforts to build community and help others belong.

Yet… I believe a flourishing world is possible. In one way or another, I’ve dedicated my life to playing a part in creating it. My current offering is through my writing, speaking and courses.