I’m currently offering 3 different 4-hour workshops that relate to building flourishing workplaces and neighbourhoods. These are designed for staff PD and can be offered as stand-alone or run as a series. Each workshop can take a maximum of 20 participants. Workshops are interactive, cater for different learning styles and build on the knowledge that participants have to solve the issues they bring. 

Building Healthy Teams: Creating flourishing at work 

Learn how to work well with others by aligning your purpose to the purpose of your organisation. 

  • Increase connection in the workplace at all levels of the organisation 

  • Align personal and organisational values 

  • Increase team motivation and outcomes 

  • Teams reaching their potential 

  • Workers who value themselves 

  • Organisation recognised as a place that values its workers

Enquire now

Breaking Down Silos: Solving complex problems together 

Solving complex issues by mapping and linking the system they’re a part of. 

  • An increased belief that complex issues can be solved 

  • A tool for mapping a complex issue 

  • A strategy for incorporating new learning into strategy and action 

  • A strategy for overcoming the disconnection between your organisation and the community 

Enquire now

Connecting to the Strengths in Your Community: Looking for the signs of flourishing 

Growing belonging and resilience by uncovering strengths at work or in the community.  

  • Increased sense of connection with your community 

  • A recognition and valuing of what people in the community bring to the planning table and beyond 

  • A tool to uncover strengths in your team and community 

  • Increasing empathy with the community 

  • Ways to discover what’s strong to build on what’s wrong 

Enquire now


I enjoy talking with people about how to build flourishing communities.  

If you are facing issues in your neighbourhood such as youth crime, isolation, disconnection, or a lack of engagement, I can help you think differently about the issues and work towards some constructive, community-led pathways.  

If your workplace is becoming toxic with frequent absences, complex hybrid arrangements, a lack of engagement, lost productivity or siloed responses to strategic issues. I can help you map them and create positive pathways that will enable your workforce to use their passion to fulfil your organisation’s purpose. 

Message me today and we can arrange a call to go through your needs. 


Dr Andre Van Eymeren

There’s not a professional and personal side of me, there’s just me, Andre Van Eymeren. An almost 50-year-old community development worker and educator, who by some luck and hard work has achieved a PhD in urban studies. I’ve also had the privilege of speaking at countless gatherings and trainings around the world and writing on faith, urbanisation and community development.